Who Is Taylor Schabusiness' Husband, Warren? - Grunge

As Daily Mail explains, Warren and Taylor Schabusiness had been together since 2017 and got married in 2020. They had a son, Mateo, in 2021, who currently lives in Texas with Warren’s grandparents. Beyond these bare-bones facts, not much is known about Warren and Taylor’s relationship other than that Warren seemingly remains devoted to his wife and son, writing, “Baby boo Mateo, I pray for you every day, we think about you non stop and we promise we will always be here for you.”

Earlier in 2023, Warren was logging into Facebook from prison to post updates about his opinion of his and his wife’s charges. In a February 24 Facebook post, Warren described how his current prison term shrunk because he’d gotten a “conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine” charge reduced to “possession with intent to deliver” while using the hashtags #LoyaltyOverEveryThing and #FreeMyWifeTaylorSchabusiness. AP News notes that before committing her murder and dismemberment, Taylor Schabusiness smoked meth.

In the aforementioned February 24 post, Warren stated that he’d be out of prison by January 2024. His sentence, he said, had been shortened to 28 months because he’d previously served 25 months. He also said that he’d been earning FSA (First Step Act) Time Credits for completing certain programs and activities while incarcerated to shorten his sentence. “[N]ow you know a little more about Warren and trust me come my release there will be lots more to know about myself and my Wife,” he finished.