Alex Edelman/Bloomberg via Getty Images.

As it turns out, the real estate magnate who awed over his own buildings becoming downtown Manhattan’s tallest in the wake of the September 11th attacks is very willing to overlook his history when parsing comments from democratic rivals. President Donald Trump is facing a litany of criticism for a video tweeted Friday featuring extensive imagery of the 9/11 attacks; attempting to paint comments from Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar as dismissive of the day’s significance.

Omar spoke at an event held by the Council on American-Islamic Relations last month, discussing the rise of general Islamophobia in the United States after September 11, 2001. In particular, conservative media zeroed in on Omar’s suggestion that “C.A.I.R. was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties”—spinning the “some people did something” line into a dismissal of the attacks themselves. The New York Post devoted its entire cover to explicit imagery of the burning World Trade Center buildings in response to Omar’s comments, while Texas representative Dan Crenshaw tweeted “First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as “some people who did something. Unbelievable.”

President Trump—natural mediator and pacifist though he is—seized upon the moment to tweet the aforementioned video and stoke controversy further. Since then, numerous high-profile democrats and 2020 hopefuls have stepped in to defend Omar—herself one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress—from further attacks.

“Ilhan Omar is a leader with strength and courage, Bernie Sanders tweeted Friday in response to reports of death threats against the Minnesota congresswoman. “She won’t back down to Trump’s racism and hate, and neither will we. The disgusting and dangerous attacks against her must end.” Massachusetts Senator and fellow 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren added “The President is inciting violence against a sitting Congresswoman—and an entire group of Americans based on their religion. It’s disgusting. It’s shameful. And any elected leader who refuses to condemn it shares responsibility for it.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was notably less forceful in her own tweet. “The memory of 9/11 is sacred ground, and any discussion of it must be done with reverence,” she began. “The President shouldn’t use the painful images of 9/11 for a political attack.”

She continued, “As we visit our troops in Stuttgart to thank them and be briefed by them, we honor our first responsibility as leaders to protect and defend the American people. It is wrong for the President, as Commander-in-Chief, to fan the flames to make anyone less safe.”

C.A.I.R. stood by Omar’s remarks in a statement to USA Today. “The Islamaphobes and other anti-Muslim extremists are grasping at straws and looking for any way to smear her,” wrote communications director Ibrahim Hooper. Omar herself also questioned attacks leveled against her, retweeting several articles suggesting that her right-wing critics had willfully misrepresented her statements.