John Legend is calling out hateful rhetoric, President Trump, and white supremacists after attacks on two mosques in New Zealand.
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In celebrity news and entertainment news, musician John Legend is calling out President Trump, white supremacy, and all hateful rhetoric after the mosque shooting in New Zealand. White nationalists and white supremacists are on the rise in the United States, and while for John Legend, politics aren’t a primary focus, Chrissy Teigen’s husband is speaking out about President Donald Trump and the hateful speech he spews from the White House. The Trump administration has spread dangerous policy and language worldwide which reaches people like the perpetrator of the New Zealand shooting. Look at John Legend twitter presence and you’ll see thoughts about politics. This John Legend Trump video speaks volumes about both John Legend, Donald Trump, and hate.

JOHN 00:58 I think what’s clear is there is an issue around the world and particularly in this country, in America, when it comes to the evil rhetoric and ideology of white supremacy. 01:30 This ideology and this rhetoric has been spread, a lot of it on the Internet, but a lot of it has been either endorsed or tacitly kind of winked at by our president. 01:43 And when people of such influence and such stature are endorsing such a hateful, evil ideology it emboldens those who will go out and do something really evil and nasty like what happened in New Zealand. 02:30 We need the president to speak out against it. He needs to apologize for demonizing Muslims. He needs to apologize for demonizing brown people who have tried to come here and have a better life. 02:40 He characterizes their desire to come here and work and feed their family as an invasion. And that rhetoric of invasion, that rhetoric of violence, of scaring white people to think that these brown people are coming to to rape and kill their families. 03:00 That rhetoric is inspiring people to do these kinds of massacres. 03:05 So the president needs to own that he’s been wrong using this rhetoric and any one who’s encouraged him or cheered him on in this kind of rhetoric needs to apologize as well. 03:15 And they need to make it clear that it’s not acceptable for us to use this kind of violent rhetoric that leads to this kind of violent action.

OHN 02:06 This rhetoric and this ideology is nasty, it’s evil, and we need to all come together — white, black, brown, of all religions — and say this is not who we are. This does not represent what we want for our society and we need to stand up against it. 02:22 I don’t know how many more massacres we need to see before we all come together and say this is not, this is not the way we want to live. 03:23 And we need to all stand up against it white nationalism nationalism is a global threat. It’s a global threat. And a lot of inspiration is coming from America right now. And the American president and our American president needs to say this is evil. I don’t endorse it. I don’t embrace it. I’m not winking at it. I’m not equivocating about it. This is evil and I speak out against it.

#JohnLegend #Trump #WhiteSupremacy #Hate

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