Someone Just Blew Up This Space Station

Someone just blew up this space station… but that’s actually great news. Let me explain.

There’s big effort right now to find an easier way to build habitats in space, for astronauts to live, eat, sleep, and do research. A good habitat needs to be compactly bundled up, sent out to space, and then inflated once it gets there. This means they can build more livable space for astronauts using fewer rocket launches. This habitat is made of a special woven material that, when inflated, is stronger than steel and it’s going through lots of safety tests, like for how much internal pressure it can withstand…

The good news is that the company making it was able to fill it with more air than NASA’s safety levels require before it burst apart. This tech could let us explore and live in space more easily than humans never have before.

This video is part of our show Huge If True. If you like optimistic science and tech stories, follow for more!

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