Declaring a national emergency couldn’t get it done, so Donald Trump is expected to try a more traditional approach. The president is expected to get back on the wall beat this week, plying House democrats and republicans for an additional $8.6 billion to build 700 miles of barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The proposal is part of Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal, which also includes cuts to a number of government programs. Larry Kudlow, Trump’s chief economic adviser, confirmed the $8.6 billion figure during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.

Kudlow acknowledged that there will be a budget fight with House democrats, given their all-in opposition to the border wall. “I would just say that the whole issue of the wall and border security is of paramount importance,” Kudlow stated. “We have a crisis down there, I think the president has made that case very effectively. It’s a crisis of economics, it’s a crisis of crime and drugs, it’s a crisis of humanity. We have to be much tougher and have more constructive immigration policy . . . so yes, he’s going to stay with his wall.”

Dozens of former national-security officials signed a joint letter last month, criticizing the president for inflating the state of play at the U.S.-Mexico border. “Under no plausible assessment of the evidence is there a national emergency today that entitles the president to tap into funds appropriated for other purposes to build a wall at the southern border,” wrote the group, which included experts who served in both democratic and republican administrations.

Trump previously requested $5.7 billion in congressional funding for the wall, the refusal of which led to longest government shutdown in United States history. The subsequent declaration of a “national emergency” afforded Trump access to some funding not previously earmarked for a wall, and the $8.6 billion would finance the remaining 700 miles. According to The New York Times, Trump intends to build “mostly new but some refurbished” barrier.

Of course, Trump’s budget proposals had difficulty passing when Republicans controlled both the House and Senate prior to the 2018 midterm elections. Monday’s renewed request to a democratic-led House is, as the Times dryly noted, “most likely dead on arrival.”