Philonise Floyd urged Congress to take action to reform law enforcement in honor of his late brother George Floyd during his opening statement before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

Why it matters: It’s the first House hearing on policing reform since Floyd’s death. Philonise Floyd’s plea comes as momentum for police reform has grown in Congress, with Democrats and Republicans agreeing that changes are needed at the federal level to meet the moment and address nationwide protests.

What he’s saying:

  • “I’m tired. I’m tired of the pain I’m feeling now and I’m tired of the pain I feel every time another black person is killed for no reason. I’m here today to ask you to make it stop. Stop the pain. Stop us from being tired.”
  • “George’s calls for help were ignored. Please listen to the call I’m making to you now, to the calls of our family, and to the calls ringing out in the streets across the world. People of all backgrounds, genders and race have come together to demand change. Honor them, honor George, and make the necessary changes that make law enforcement the solution – and not the problem.”
  • “Hold them accountable when they do something wrong. Teach them what it means to treat people with empathy and respect. Teach them what necessary force is. Teach them that deadly force should be used rarely and only when life is at risk.”
  • “If his death ends up changing the world for the better. And I think it will. I think it has. Then he died as he lived. It is on you to make sure his death isn’t in vain.”

Read the full statement.