Wine is an open-source and free application for Linux that allows users to run Windows-based software and games on Unix/Linux-like operating systems.

Recently, the Wine team proudly announced the stable release of version 10.0, which is now available for download as the source and binary packages for various distributions including Linux, Windows, and Mac.

This release reflects a year of hard work and over 8,600 changes, introducing several exciting improvements. The main highlights include:

  • Enhanced support for Bluetooth devices.
  • Better support for HID input devices.
  • Optimized for running 32-bit and 64-bit applications.
  • Early support for Wayland display server protocol.

In this article, we will show how to install the Wine 10.0 version in RHEL-based distributions such as CentOS Stream, Rocky Linux, and AlmaLinux using source code (difficult and only suitable for experts) and on Fedora Linux using the official wine repository.

Step 1: Installing Dependency Packages

To begin the installation process, you need to install the necessary development tools and libraries, which include packages like GCC, libX11-devel, freetype-devel, zlib-devel, and libxcb-devel.

yum -y groupinstall 'Development Tools'
yum install gcc libX11-devel freetype-devel zlib-devel libxcb-devel libxslt-devel



For Fedora users, the commands are slightly different:

dnf -y groupinstall 'Development Tools'
dnf -y install gcc libX11-devel freetype-devel zlib-devel libxcb-devel libxslt-

Step 2: Downloading the Wine Source Code

Next, you need to download the Wine source code using the wget command under /tmp directory as a normal user.

cd /tmp

After downloading the source code, use the following tar command to extract it under /tmp directory.

tar -xvf wine-10.0.tar.xz -C /tmp/

Step 4: Installing Wine from Sources

After extracting the source code, you need to compile Wine from the sources as a normal user.

Note: The installer might take up to 20-30 minutes and in the middle, it will ask you to enter the root password.
---------- On 64-bit Systems ---------- 
cd wine-10.0/
./configure --enable-win64
sudo make install

---------- On 32-bit Systems ---------- 
cd wine-10.0/
sudo make install	

Install Wine on Fedora Linux Using Wine Repository

For Fedora users, you can install Wine using the official Wine repository by using the following commands.

---------- On Fedora 41 ---------- 
dnf config-manager --add-repo
dnf install winehq-stable

---------- On Fedora 40 ---------- 
dnf config-manager --add-repo
dnf install winehq-stable

Configuring and Running Wine

Once the installation completes run the “winecfg” configuration tool from GNOME desktop to see the supported configuration. If you don’t have any of the desktops, you can install it by using the below command as the root user.

dnf groupinstall workstation 
yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop"

Once the X Window System is installed, run the command as a normal user to see the wine configuration.

Winecfg Configuration
Winecfg Configuration

To run the Wine, you must specify the full path to the executable program or program name as shown in the example below.

--------- On 32-bit Systems ---------
wine notepad
wine c:windowsnotepad.exe
--------- On 64-bit Systems ---------
wine64 notepad
wine64 c:windowsnotepad.exe
Wine Running Windows Programs on Linux
Wine Running Windows Programs on Linux



Wine 10.0 is a significant milestone, bringing better support for modern hardware and software. While it’s not perfect and some applications may still crash, the Wine team continues to make great strides in improving compatibility.

If you’ve tried Wine 10.0, share your experiences in the comments below!

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