Electric buses, retrofitting buildings, green aluminium smelters, offshore wind generation and mine rehabilitation are among the job creation ideas being proposed by the Hunter Jobs Alliance (HJA), which was launched in Maitland on November 5.

The alliance calls for “full employment, good union jobs, a thriving and healthy living environment, an equitable society, a stable climate and renewable prosperity”.

recycle coal-ash into building materials. Such an industry would help clean up large dump sites and reduce the pollution from coal ash run–off into waterways.

The potential of good union jobs may well win the necessary public support, also to ensure the region retains control over the big decisions which will inevitably have to be made as the coal industry winds down.

The HJA intends to “bring workers, environmentalists, business and government together to discuss the region’s future” together at a summit in the Hunter in March 2021.

[Steve O’Brien is a member of Socialist Alliance and delegate to Hunter Workers.]