Sydney CBD cluster had the potential to be ‘explosive’


Casey Briggs said that things were looking good with the Sydney CBD cluster with small numbers of cases being recorded yesterday.



“Things are looking good with that cluster. It had explosive potential. It could have been a very bad cluster and it still could be,” Casey Brioggs said.

“We don’t know how many cases have escaped from it.


“[There were] four cases yesterday, when we were seeing 12 or 13 [previously]. We saw lots of gyms, bus routes and public transport routes that were potentially exposure sites.


“What I’m looking forward today is for that number, four, to remain quite low, and we want to see testing numbers coming up.


“Monday, often Tuesday, are low testing days in New South Wales. We had 14,000 results processed and reported yesterday. On a good day we’re seeing 30,000.



“Later in the week, hopefully today, tomorrow and the next day, we’ll see those numbers come up and we want that to happen while the floor stays at about four.”
